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She anticipates the unwanted "touche" that she might suffer, twice using the conjunction "but" when she cautions, "but yf yowe touche me I wyll crye howe...
ser, I am cumme hedyr to make yowe game" (69), but a lacuna in the manuscript interrupts the scene.
Thus it begins with the vocative particle "a" (as in a chara or a lanna), and concludes with "yowe" (Ulster form of "ewe;" pron.
At the beginning of the dialogue, the "popysshe parson" enters to greet the shoemaker, explaining that he has been not in church but "yonder behinde in the gallerye and there have I mumbled." To the shoemaker's question of clarification -- "What saye yowe master Parson?
He observes that "the vsage of wryters alweye" was "to father their workes; | as dyd John Lidgate / to noble duke humfreye," and so he follows suit: "so, I," Forrest writes, "to yowe noble Duke / theis psalmes doe present | as vnto whome my harte of love is bent." (30) Though Forrest restricts the terms of his comparison to the earlier poet-patron dynamic alone, the gesture likely carries more charge.
Whanne ye wer sette as sirs on benke, I stode theroute, werie and wette; Was none of yowe wolde on me thynke, Pyte to haue of my poure state.
The Brome Abraham and Isaac ends with a Doctor who explains the lesson of the play ('For thys story schoyt yowe [here]/ How we schuld kepe to owr po[we]re,/ Goddys commaumentys wythowt grochyng'), providing a contemporary application for it ('And thys women that wepe so sorowfully/ Whan that hyr chyldryn dey them froo,/ As nater woll, and kynd;/ Yt is but folly').
And whane ye haue pis booke ouerlooked Pe right lynes with pe crooked And pe sentence vnderstonden With Inne your mynde hit fast ebounden Thanke pe Auctoures pat pees storyes Renoueld haue to youre memoryes And pe wryter for his distresse Whiche besechipe youre gentylesse Pat ye sende pis booke ageyne Hoome to Shirley pat is right feyne If hit hape beon to yowe plesaunce As in pe Reedyng of pe Romaunce And alle pat beon in pis companye God sende hem Ioye of hir lady.
20-21 and 21; the first reads: 'Loo heer my lordes maystres and felawes may yee see a truwe and brief abstract of the cronycles of this reaume of England frome the tyme that ever makynde enhabited hit into the tyme of the last Edwarde reedethe or heorethe the sothe here filowing.' The second reads: 'Nowe my gracyous lordes and feyre laydes my maystres and specyalli freendes and gode felawes vouchseauf here now I beseche yowe to here the cronycle of this sayde Richarde the secounde sone and heyre to prynce Edward [...] the which cronycle was lamentabuly compylled at parys by hem of fraunce in theyre volgare langage and nowe translated by Daun Johan Lydegate the munk of Bury.'
And if hit shal be al to-tore, With-outen mercy, and to-rent, I prey yowe with my best entent, pat with youre owen handes sofft pat ye reende and brek it offt: For youre touche, I dare wel seyne, Wel pe lasse shal ben his peyne.